Paired Hearts of Ottawa

Calling all crafters and makers!

Recently we saw an article talking about a group of people making crocheted, knitted, or sewn hearts. They are made in pairs and small enough to fit in one hand so that a medical frontline worker can give one heart to a patient and the matching heart to a family member that is unable to be with their sick loved one. It’s a symbolic way to keep them connected when they are unable to see each other and it’s something for them to hold on to.

Here at Square Lemon we are hoping to bring these paired hearts to the long term care homes and hospitals in Ottawa that are willing to take them to the patients and families. 

If you are able to help us make them we will pick them up (or you can drop them off at our Boyd location) and prep them for drop off. To do this safely we will be using gloves and allowing a day to pass after receiving them before delivering them to the homes and hospitals. (we will also be abiding by any safety measures that each facility wishes us to follow to ensure the safety of their workers and the patients)

If you work in a home or hospital and know who we should be contacting to implement this program please send us the contact information so we can reach out to them. Or you may give them our email address to contact us. 

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